
for you and your dog

Products and Accessories

Rent these products! We offer the following products and accessories as rentals!
Baby Doll with Crying Feature
Great for expecting parents or grandparents to prep their dogs for baby's arrival.
Noise Phobia CDS
By Victoria Stilwell and through a dogs ear. Options include, city sounds, thunderstorms, and fireworks. Help desensitize and change any negative associations to positive ones.
Calming Signals DVD
A visual guide through dog body language as explained in Turid Rugaa's book.
The language of dogs DVD
Understanding canine body language and other communication signals.
The Bite-O-Meter DVD
Understanding body language and facial expressions in dogs.
An A-Z ethogram of dog behavior and body language DVD
Video catalog and study guide on common dog behaviors in alphabetical order, normal speed and slow motion for best learning.

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