Notice: Fee Changes Jan. 2025
To our valued customers,
Please note new fee changes effective January 2025
Private Lessons:
Lessons 6 Package $700
1/2 hour Lessons:
6 (1/2 hr) package $425
Camps and Courses:
Play Camp $200 (4 Hours with our Trainer)
Board and Train:
Day - $185
Week - $1,200
Month - $4,000
Extra Services:
AKC Testing $50
Maintenance Boarding $80/day
Holiday Fees: A $30 additional fee for holiday stays per day. This includes the day of holiday and the days before and after. (Example: For Christmas, 12/24, 12/25, 12/26 would carry the additional charge.)
This applies for the following holiday's: New Years, Valentine's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Processing Fees: All purchases using credit or debit cards will have an added fee of 4%